DrMyers’s Blog

May 25, 2016

My Ode to DC’s Budget Autonomy

image1 (9)Today, I’ve watched members of congress on C-SPAN give their opinions in regards to Budget Autonomy for Washington DC.

For those of you who do not know, not only are the residents of Washington DC (like me) not given a vote in Congress (our Delegate is not given a vote), but Washington DC is not given budget autonomy (freedom from external control or influence).

The District of Columbia wants the ability to create their budgets, implement their budgets, and do what’s best in the interests of the citizens of Washington DC.  There has even been a court order in support of that.

However, this Republican lead Congress doesn’t want to see this happen.   Delegate Norton, has passionately tried to make her voice heard through reason, rallied others to support, but still to no avail.


As a Jazz artist, I only know one way to express my disgust towards our Congress in regards to this issue.  Below are the lyrics to my song “Home Rule” that will be included on my upcoming album “The PRIDE” which will be released later this year.  These words describe my disappointment in some Representatives who would rather be referred to as “Master” in the Big House.

“Home Rule”


There’s a plantation where sharecroppers toil

With sweat on their brow, and blood in the soil.

A building sits there, passing laws every day,

New people arrive, while the natives move away.

It seems unreal, but they have no autonomy,

Some call it the Capitol, but it’s home to me.

Millionaires walk around, flooding every street

Giving sullen looks to the poor that they meet

Hired cars, shuffle the people around,

Then & Now, how it’s changed this town.

We asked for our money, they took our authority,

Some may call it Washington, but it’s home to me.

Taxation without representation you’ll hear the old folks say.
The Good ole masters throw their parties, and then look the other way.
Once a year, they let us, celebrate emancipation day,
Then up to work from dawn to dusk, then home again to pray.


To my Delegate I pass a simple note.

She tries to speak our stories in the big house, but they took away her vote.

Dollar after dollar is scrutinized, then a budget they’ll make.
Only to pass it to the authorities, and they’ll tell us what we can take.

You may ask, is this America or a special on TV.

No, it’s just our plantation, Our home, we call it DC.




February 5, 2015

Mutual Friends

photo (1)Don’t you just love Facebook?  A place where you can connect with your friends, share articles about issues you feel are important, vent about people or situations, Facebook has become integrated in the American culture just as talking pictures or color television.  Whereas birth announcements, engagements, and weddings were first announced in the paper, instantly we can scroll through our timelines and be updated on the latest news within our communities and the lives of our friends.  An even wider spectrum is uncovered as we can also see how we are connected to others.  New acquaintances can be vetted by seeing what friends are shared mutually.  As articles, statements or events are shared, comments are posted and it is that time one is able to see, at least to a degree, who your friends…call friend.

The latter possesses an interesting question to all people: How well do you know your friends?  For years, relationships are built upon shared experiences, shared secrets, shared conversations, shared ideologies, and shared interests.  Through the passage of time, the bond between individuals strengthens as the strands of these relationships are tested and tried.  However, through Facebook (and other social media networks) one can see what happens after these shared experiences are over and individuals begin the same process with other individuals.  Thus, one can see the thoughts, ideas, experiences and at times secrets shared by your “Friends of Friends.”

Have you ever had the experience of scrolling through your timeline and seeing a shared post, article, or video you did not expect to see posted from a friend?  Perhaps, you shared a post yourself and was shocked by the reaction you received from your friends or “Friends of Friends.”  Facebook has exposed the differences within relationships, whether religious, political, racial, ideological, or what have you, that had previously been hidden or politely ignored for the sake of pleasant company or conversation.  What happens when you discover that your “Friend of a Friend” is a racist?

I’ve been faced with this many times.  I am a proud Southerner (5th generation Texan), I’m a proud African American Man (My Great-Great Grand Parents were slaves), I am a proud Veteran (September 11th happened while I was in Basic Training) and I am a proud Progressive (Registered Democrat).

My upbringing has allowed me to have interface with people who believe, worship and vote differently from the way I do.  Thinking back to my days in Kerens Elementary, I am often reminded of the words spoken daily by my kindergarten teacher, “Play nice and keep your hands and feet to yourselves.”  I try daily to adopt this principle in my adult life, succeeding better some days rather than others, but for the most part, we all are forced to work with, interact with, and at times live with people who share opposing views.  Everyday the art of compromise is seen on the bus, train, in traffic, on elevators, in work spaces, in church pews, in classrooms, in restaurants, in every place but congress it seems.  The tension has become less evident in urban centers where a heavily populated group of diverse people are forced to interact with each other.  The expansion of social media and the internet has made tensions less apparent in rural areas where diversity and necessary interaction between divers people may not be as frequent or optional.

What do you do when a difference of opinion crosses over to apparent hatred, bigotry or racism…by the “Friend of a Friend?”  When is the relationship of the “Friend” taken into account?  Where do you begin when analyzing the strength of the shared strands within your relationship?  How do you resolve the inner turmoil, resentment and dissatisfaction?  The What, When, Where and How have been presented to me on many occasions.  Minorities and members of the majority are faced with these instances, and forced to self consciously react…often times reluctantly because of friendship.  Who wants to lose a friend right?

The 21st century demands that we answer these questions out right.

Understanding what racism is, whether fueled by either hatred or bigotry, and acknowledging it when seen is a start.  Black’s Law Dictionary defines racism as,  “A set of policies that is exhibited by a person or persons toward a group of people of a different race. Often antagonistic and confronting. The assumption of lower intelligence and importance given to a person because of their racial characteristics.”  Regardless of how “close” you may be with a friend, when you have been left feeling you have experienced racism, the safe space lies within yourself to express your discomfort and to know a racist does not own the right to feel “comfortable” when this mindset goes against the constitutional rights of the whole.  One can even view it as utilitarianism…the greatest good for the greatest number.  In this case, that good is equality, and that number is America.

When is the relationship of the friend taken into account?  Immediately.  As the strands within a relationship are tested, one must meet each test head on.  One strand does not have to end a relationship, but it can certainly define a relationship.  Relationships, friendships, are based upon boundaries.  These boundaries are also where you can test the strength of these strands.   If you make your boundaries known, the way those boundaries are respected then can define the future of that relationship.

The hardest part of these interactions come when one is faced with the inner turmoil of experiencing racism through a different medium, from a person with a reference.  We choose our music, jobs, food, health regiments often times at the recommendation of a friend.  Friends have introduced friends that resulted in marriage while others often ask for a reference when applying for a job.  Social media and the connections of mutual friends have played an important role in making the world smaller, more connected, and in many ways more enlightened.  Understanding no two relationships are alike, one often expects that the bond and strands shared between an individual would be commonly shared with others, and although different, never crossing the line of racism, bigotry or hate.  Unfortunately, this age old dilemma has plagued mankind for ages.

No one wants to lose a friend, but in the course of friendship, one must never lose oneself.   Martin Luther King, Jr. said it best I believe,  “The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.”

Above was an example of a statement made to me by a “Friend of a Friend” that was followed by many other hateful attacks.  I stated my discomfort, set my boundaries, my Friend removed those attacking racist posts, and reaffirmed my belief that friends do not have to agree on everything (especially politics) but can definitely agree racism and hatred have no place within our boundaries of friendship.

February 21, 2014

Jazz Artist Aaron Myers Endorses DC Mayoral Candidate Andy Shallal

ImageDear Friends,

Washington DC is now moving towards a Democratic Primary which will determine who the Democratic Party will put forward to stand in the DC Mayoral Race.  After carefully listening and observing all of the candidates, I today offer my full endorsement to Andy Shallal.

The passion he has in working to offer affordable housing to those citizens who depend on it for their survival, a fair living wage, and addressing the plight of returning citizens, are just a few serious conversations coupled with action Washington DC needs right now.  
Seeing how he has moved his businesses into undeserved neighborhoods, listening to the residents in the neighborhood and offering his establishments as meeting places for those residents to express concerns, rally support for their causes and needs, and even being a hub for the entrepreneurs has helped revitalize these neighborhoods.       
Andy Shallal is offering renewed hope in the integrity we can expect from our elected officials, and I look forward to calling him the next Mayor of Washington DC.  
I ask all of you to consider Andy Shallal when casting your ballot.

If you are in DC, and would like to know more about Andy Shallal, I ask that you watch this VIDEO.

Join me as I host a “Meet the Candidate” fundraiser for Andy Sunday March 2nd @ 7:30pm at my home, 2101 16th Street NW, Washington DC.  

Thank You,
Aaron Myers    

September 5, 2012

Politics & Entertainment: A Personal Note from Aaron Myers!

To My Supporters,


Aaron Myers

I come to you today as you have probably been flooded with remarks, articles, concerns and opinions about the political conventions that have been taking place over the last two weeks.  As many of you, I too have questions and have watched, listened, and still look forward to what will play out on November 6.  As an entertainer who has run for office, I view these events with amusement on many fronts and have come to this conclusion: The integrity of each party will be defined by their ability to compromise.    

At this moment, I am preparing to remind the American People to smile and find unity through entertainment.  On Friday September 7th, I will be hosting a Free Live Jazz Show at the Black Fox Lounge in Washington DC from 9:30pm – 12:30am.    This week I will be also joined by spoken word artist/poet Kavon Ward.
People who attend will have the opportunity to also donate to my new project Leo Rising , which will allow me the opportunity to record at Avatar Studios in New York City, New York.  The team that I have assembled has put together a project that will be Grammy Worthy, and with your support we can complete it!  Please take a look at Leo Rising on KickStarter.com, donate, and tell all of your contacts about it!  Reaching our goal is the only way we will be able to secure the funds to make this happen…I am depending on you!
As always, I am appreciative of your support, and would not be able to inspire others through my expression of art without it.  Please know, my love for all of you runs deeper than words will allow me to articulate.  Your continued support has been and will be a continued dream come true.
So remember, if no one today told you that they loved you, I love you and there is nothing you can do about it.
Yours Truly,
Aaron Myers
Leo Rising


January 27, 2012

Maureen Mullaney and Aaron Myers: Together at Last!

It was confirmed this morning that Aaron Myers will be sharing the stage with Singer/Songwriter Maureen Mullaney at the Black Fox Lounge Friday night January 27th.  Both, while being long time staples at the venue, have always dropped by and teased audiences at each others shows with their energy, playfulness and talent.  For a rare treat, they will finally join their musical efforts in a single performance that will no doubt electrify their audience.

Check out the Black Fox Lounge (1723 Connecticut Ave NW) Friday January 27 from 9:30pm – 12:30am for a Free Live Jazz Concert given by two staples in the DC Jazz Scene, Maureen Mullaney and Aaron Myers!

February 9, 2011

Are you a Professional? Are you Single? Are you in the DMV? Check this out!

If there’s anything the Beltway is not short of, it is the amount of Single Professionals (some have even mastered the art of being Professional Singles).  In 2009, Forbes rated Washington DC #5 on its list of Best Cities for Singles and if you just wait till 5:00pm in Metro Center (The subway transfer point for 3 major lines) you will see the hoards of “Professionals” equipped with Ipods, Blackberry’s and books to read while enduring the commute to and from the workplace.

With Valentine’s Day rapidly approaching, Professional Singles are asked to put down the books and embrace  an alternative that has been offered.  On Friday February 11th,  Sauciety an American Grill is offering a Professional Singles Mixer.  This is not like your every day networking events, that we all hate and dread going to!  This event is targeting a specific group of people, and could possibly change the lives of a few singles in the future!

For $40 patrons can enjoy; Signature Drinks, the Debut of their new menu, a Dessert Dipping Station, and to top this all off live music by CaShandra J.  a performing artist who is singing all over Washington DC.

But most of all…these Single Professionals will get an opportunity network, lay foundations with, and potentially meet other Single Professionals that might lead to future long lasting relationships.

Doors open at  7pm and by using the promotional code AMyers you will receive an extra $5 off and if you purchase more than 5 tickets, the price drops by $9 dollars! For reservations call 240-766-3640.

PUT DOWN THE BOOK and join us at this event!!!

June 5, 2009

An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away



Today, there is much more separating a doctor and his patient than a red delicious or granny smith apple. The high cost of health care can be the determining factor in your decision to seek out necessary help from the medical profession for yourself or a family member. Even with insurance coverage (forget including pre-existing conditions), the high cost of premiums, deductibles and co-pays along with prescriptions and any follow-up treatment or testing, have relegated health care to a “luxury item.” Many that have enjoyed employer provided coverage in the past are having it reduced or, in the case of job loss, completely extinguished..


Why an I concerned about this? Call it selfishness. I have no health care insurance and suffered a major stroke a few years ago. The residual effects of the stroke are minimal – to me, more annoying than debilitating since I’ve had to make time-consuming adjustments to the routines of daily life. I find climbing stairs difficult but suffer vertigo on escalators so elevators are the mode of choice. I lose my balance easily when the ground isn’t level and still have some difficulty finding the “right” word when I speak. My stroke affected the right side and, being right-handed, I have had to train my left hand to take up the slack. I was not eligible for government assistance because I was not deemed to be disabled. I was told to get a job in Walmarts.


I already have a full-time job. I’m the primary caregiver for my 90 year old home-bound father, who has suffered TIA’s and cancer, and my son, who has been diagnosed with bi-polar schizo effective disorder.  The monthly health care costs, even with insurance coverage, are astronomical and I’m worried about what will happen when the money runs out.


I tell you all of this not to get sympathy but to give you an understanding why the subject is so imporatnt to me.


I have spent many hours researching the subject of healthcare reform and have talked with numerous friends and healthcare professionals about what they perceive their needs to be. I have heard phrases like “choice”, “cost-cutting measures”, “deluge of administation and billing requirements” and “emergency room crowding”. One physician I spoke with talked about his current financial situation. After many, many years of persuing his dream at a costly medical school, he is then saddled with the cost of opening a practice (and all it entails), purchasing medical malpractice insurance at a very high premium and then the fun of hiring a staff to fight insurance companies for what ends up to be a reduced payment for his services. He said the days of “afternoons on the golf course” are long gone. He must work 12 -14 hours a day to keep his practice afloat.


So, here’s the dilemma as I see it. We need to come up with a healthcare plan that will reward the hard work and dedication of healthcare professionals while addressing the need for affordable healthcare for all. I haven’t forgotten insurance companies – I just no longer see a need for another middle-man. Cutting costs already…



~  Michelle

June 2, 2009

Are you Sirius?? One Stock that will Shock you!

span>sirius-xm_mergerAfter the serious upset on Wall Street, questions began to be asked by many Americans! Just as his two predecessors did before him, President Hoover went to the Secretary of the Treasury Andrew W. Mellon (who would be considered a modern day Warren Buffet) to no avail. It had been speculated that “Short Selling” (the anticipation of making a profit from declining prices…expecting a drop in price. Selling the stock and buying it back later at a lower price leaves the difference as the profit). On November 23, 1929, The Economist asked: “Can a very serious Stock Exchange collapse produce a serious setback to industry when industrial production is for the most part in a healthy and balanced condition? … Experts are agreed that there must be some setback, but there is not yet sufficient evidence to prove that it will be long or that it need go to the length of producing a general industrial depression.” History later revealed that the experts were wrong, and it would only be World War II that would bring us out of the depression caused to the improprieties of those on Wall Street.


Just as the Economist was misguided, or shall we say wrong, in its publication almost eighty years ago, on Feb. 10th, the New York Times Reported that Sirius XM was in danger of filing for bankruptcy (implying a dire situation). Coming from such a trusted source (with its own stock dropping at the time, and the next month laying off 100 employees, cutting the salaries for the rest of the year by 5 percent) many share holders were surprised to hear that the company they had bought stock (NASDAQ: SIRI) at inviting rates, were decreasing while the company itself could boast in growth with a successful merger and an increase in subscribers. Something just was not adding up!

While the New York Times was letting go of employee’s, a press release came from the Sirius XM, with this quote from its president, “In the fourth quarter 2008, the company’s first full quarter of combined operations, SIRIUS XM made remarkable financial progress…For the first time in company history, we reached positive pro forma adjusted income from operations of $32 million, as compared with a loss of $224 million one year ago. Fourth quarter 2008 revenue of $644 million grew 16% over the year ago quarter while total cash operating expenses declined by 22%, a clear demonstration of our focus on improving profitability. Despite challenges in the overall economy and in the auto sector, we look forward to continuing to deliver on the synergies of the merger.” Can anyone remember what was happening around the last quarter of 2008? I can tell you! 1. GM, Chrysler, and Ford stood before Congress requesting a “Bail Out” 2. Bernie Madoff caused Billions of Dollars worth of damage to the pockets of investors due to his Ponzie Scheme and 3. Lehman Brothers was liquidated! What FACT would cause The New York Times, MSNBC, and other news channels to predict the demise (or bankruptcy filing) of their “Competition”, resulting in apparent stock fluctuations in the market?

With GM and Chrysler both declaring bankruptcy, common shareholders within Sirius XM Radio are asking questions, demanding answers, and not allowing other media outlets determine their fate, and why would they? With subscription rates second only to Comcast, Sirius XM appears to be a “Leader” in the industry, with no signs of letting up and neither is Liberty Media. Liberty Media CEO Greg Maffei stated, “We are excited to be investing in Sirius XM. We have been impressed with the company, its operations and management team…Sirius XM’s ability to grow subscribers and revenue in a difficult financial and auto market is indicative of how listeners view this as a ‘must have’ service.”

This “Must Have” service is being defended in the new documentary “STOCK SHOCK: The Short Selling of the American Dream” http://stockshockmovie.com/ . Directed by Sandra Mohr and Narrated by Richard Keane, it appears as if they are taking pieces of the puzzle from Stock holders, industry professionals, pages of history, a glimpse of the future, and are carefully putting them all together. This documentary expounds upon how easily the public can be, and has been fooled by propaganda initiated through the NYSE, profiting only a few while causing millions of others to lose countless hours of sleep and money!

This documentary reveals the not so obvious future that many, who are in competition with this service, would rather the people overlook; Sirius XM Radio will be around as long as the United States Government is backing automobile warranties and IPhones are giving subscribers the option to listen to this service outside of the car. It is the observation of this blogger that Sirius XM will be taken much more Seriously within the upcoming months. With both Michael Moor (Untitled production and currently filming) and Oliver Stone (“Money Never Sleeps” in Pre-Production) preparing to come out with films, also dealing with the American Financial system in some aspect, “Stock Shock” appears to be a precursor to many untold truths finally revealed this year!

Perhaps a President who silently guided America through the “Roaring 20’s” could share some basic truth upon our situation:

Former US President Calvin Coolidge

Former US President Calvin Coolidge

“After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world.”

May 21, 2009

No-No to Gitmo!

gitmoWhen President Woodrow Wilson went to Paris in 1918, he had one goal in mind. This goal was restoration and peace. Restoration to those oppressed nations that had suffered horribly during the Great War, and peace among all nations. As he introduced his 14 point plan, he spent 6 months in Paris negotiating, compromising, and holding true to the values revered so much by his American convictions! Once an agreement was made, all parties went home and frankly were happy the whole negotiation process was over. With negotiations quite strenuous to many parties, especially to Wilson, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Wilson convinced Europe to join the League of Nations but was unsuccessful in convincing the United States Congress…especially those within the Senate. It is said that the stress behind not having the Senate’s support, brought on the severe stroke that left him paralyzed on one side and in bad shape during the final years of his administration.

Barak Obama got a taste of “making promises assuming that he has the support”, but when coming down to the vote, the Senate takes another direction. He had vowed on his second day in office to close the prison within a year as part of his effort to repair America’s tarnished image abroad. This vow will now be coupled with his game plan when he speaks at the National Archives; ironically former Vice-President Cheney will be speaking at the same time.

My question is: Why did the Senate turn their support from the President. A poll done at “The Escapist” (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.90564?page=3) showed that 63.7 percent of those surveyed approved of the President’s move to close down the facility while 19.6 percent were against it. A CNN poll showed after asking the question, “Do you think the policies being proposed by Barack Obama will move the country in the right direction or the wrong direction?” Those who believed his proposed policies were in the right direction 63%, those who thought they were the wrong direction 35%. If these polls are the true voice of the American public, should not the representatives who represent these constituents also reflect these results?

The major concern spouted by Senate members stated that they were opposed to the prisoners being transported to prisons on American soil. Michele Flournoy, Pentagon policy chief, says it’s unrealistic to think that no detainees will come to the U.S., and that the U.S. can’t ask allies to take detainees while refusing to take on the same burden. Senator Harry Reid stated, “We will never allow terrorists to be released in the United States…Part of what we don’t want is for them to be put in prisons in the United States. We don’t want them around in the United States.” Where do you place the POW’s?

For members of congress to question the ability and strength of the American Prison System is walking a tight rope, and it also sends signals to our enemies that our domestic security is weak, and can be penetrated…which couldn’t be further from the truth. The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the entire world. As of the year 2000, our facilities include: 3,365 local jails, 1,558 state facilities, 146 federal facilities. As of January 17th 2007, 245 prisoners remained at Gitmo equaling to 1.67 persons going to each one of our Federal Facilities.

There is one member of the Senate that stood in support of the Presidents efforts. Dianne Feinstein, who not only gained in wealth during the war (by 2005 her net worth had increased to between $43 million and $99 million), had pretty good reason to stand behind her statements to bring the prisoners to US prisons. Stating, “I believe that American justice is what makes this country strong in the eyes of the world. American justice is what people believe separates the United States from other countries. And American justice has to be applied to everyone, because if it isn’t, we then become hypocrites in the eyes of the world.”, the Senator just stated what she was vested in emotionally and financially. Feinstein holds stock in the URS Corporation, which as a major U.S. federal contractor, URS provides critical support to the Departments of Defense (DoD), Homeland Security (DHS) and Energy (DOE), as well as to National Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other federal agencies. (No wonder she’s on the Senate Intelligence Committee!)

Obama’s showdown today will tell whether or not Congress will stand behind the promise he made to the American People. Perhaps, he could use a little advice from a former President who has approached this similar problem:

Former President Woodrow Wilson

Former President Woodrow Wilson

“I would rather lose in a cause that will someday win, than win in a cause that will someday lose.”

~Former President Woodrow Wilson

May 20, 2009

Is Michael Steele as tough as steel? GOP’s New Direction!


Round 1

Round 1


American politics has been full of “battles” between the President and the Opposition. In 1912, Democrats jumped at the chance to take hold of the White House when the Republican Party split between former Presidents Taft and Roosevelt. In 1920, Warren G Harding took “Silent Cal” along with him to Washington, and although the Roaring Twenties swept though America, once the party was over a Great Depression set in on the country, and another Democrat knocked on the tents of “Hoovervillians” thrusting Democrats back into power…but no one thought it would last for 20 years!

Barack Obama ran on the platform of Change and Transparency, and rallied supporters not to accept the outcome and residue left by the Bush Administration as final, but to join forces with him and he would bring Change to Washington. After the inauguration, Obama set out on the path of: Undoing, Re-doing, and just plain doing whatever he could to put the pieces he was left by the Bush Administration in some sort of order. He set out to do this with only one set of weights on his shoulders…the safety, well being, and advancement of the American People.

Is there an apology in order? Not in the opinion of RNC Chairman Michael Steele; “The first turning point is this: Today we are declaring an end to the era of Republicans looking backward.” In his speech, the chairman tried to “rally the troops” using his oratory skills and declaring the Republican Party can expect a comeback! Even in his statements, he did not totally admit defeat, as he touted the strength held by local parties in different cities and states around the country (as I predicted in yesterday’s blog).

There is only one thing the RNC Chairman failed to articulate, and that is: What is a Republican? One must have a direction, if one plans to “Come Back” from anywhere. Within his speech, he managed to accuse the president of being discouraging, weakening citizens, pulling down employers, encouraging class hatred, destroying the rich, and much more. His outlined attack against the president, which he made clear would go directly at the White House and not at the House Speaker or Senate majority Leader, told of his unwillingness to back down from taking the President head- on, and encouraged other Republicans to, “As conservatives, we must stop acting like we don’t really believe in our principles. Too often, we act as if we are scared to apply our timeless principles to today’s problems and challenges. Our path and our challenge are to apply our principles not to the past, but to the future.” And it is within this statement I have the problem.

Scholar R. J. White wrote: “To put conservatism in a bottle with a label is like trying to liquefy the atmosphere […] the difficulty arises from the nature of the thing. Conservatism is less a political doctrine than a habit of mind, a mode of feeling, a way of living.” The word Conservative can mean different things to different people. It is a principle that is displayed by the “mindset” of an individual, and is almost impossible to be crafted to define the ideology or motivations held by the “masses”. History has also shown us that, when conservatism is coupled with strong “Right Winged” ideology, the results usually create or promote a form of social hierarchy. This can be seen with the surge of support for Republican Party Nominee Barry Goldwater in 1964. It was during this time, his supporters did not support and separated their selves from; civil rights for African Americans, Women and Latino Farm Workers (although he did, in his later years, come out in support of Gay Rights after he discovered he grandson was a homosexual).

If it is these “Traditionalistic” principles the RNC Chairman plans tore- package in “New Idea’s” he is far off base, and the American people will display that fact during the election of 2010. I believe the best course of action is for the Republican Party to learn from its mascot, the elephant, and not forget what happened Nov. 4th 2008. Or in the words of their fearless former leader:


Former Presidnet George W. Bush

Former Presidnet George W. Bush


“There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.”

Former President George W Bush

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