DrMyers’s Blog

May 25, 2016

My Ode to DC’s Budget Autonomy

image1 (9)Today, I’ve watched members of congress on C-SPAN give their opinions in regards to Budget Autonomy for Washington DC.

For those of you who do not know, not only are the residents of Washington DC (like me) not given a vote in Congress (our Delegate is not given a vote), but Washington DC is not given budget autonomy (freedom from external control or influence).

The District of Columbia wants the ability to create their budgets, implement their budgets, and do what’s best in the interests of the citizens of Washington DC.  There has even been a court order in support of that.

However, this Republican lead Congress doesn’t want to see this happen.   Delegate Norton, has passionately tried to make her voice heard through reason, rallied others to support, but still to no avail.


As a Jazz artist, I only know one way to express my disgust towards our Congress in regards to this issue.  Below are the lyrics to my song “Home Rule” that will be included on my upcoming album “The PRIDE” which will be released later this year.  These words describe my disappointment in some Representatives who would rather be referred to as “Master” in the Big House.

“Home Rule”


There’s a plantation where sharecroppers toil

With sweat on their brow, and blood in the soil.

A building sits there, passing laws every day,

New people arrive, while the natives move away.

It seems unreal, but they have no autonomy,

Some call it the Capitol, but it’s home to me.

Millionaires walk around, flooding every street

Giving sullen looks to the poor that they meet

Hired cars, shuffle the people around,

Then & Now, how it’s changed this town.

We asked for our money, they took our authority,

Some may call it Washington, but it’s home to me.

Taxation without representation you’ll hear the old folks say.
The Good ole masters throw their parties, and then look the other way.
Once a year, they let us, celebrate emancipation day,
Then up to work from dawn to dusk, then home again to pray.


To my Delegate I pass a simple note.

She tries to speak our stories in the big house, but they took away her vote.

Dollar after dollar is scrutinized, then a budget they’ll make.
Only to pass it to the authorities, and they’ll tell us what we can take.

You may ask, is this America or a special on TV.

No, it’s just our plantation, Our home, we call it DC.




March 15, 2016

Super Tuesday Jazzy Endorsements

1931064_55124637032_7149_nToday I offer my 2016 endorsements.  As an entertainer I find it important to offer my voice and my art for activism.  In offering these endorsements, I hope you would consider these candidates when casting your ballots.
You can find these endorsements on my website => HERE
Even if you do not vote for these candidates, I only ask one thing of you, DO NOT VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP!  His tone & rhetoric is laced with racist undertones and incites the hate filled fringe element of our society, creating an atmosphere similar to the way former Alabama Governor George Wallace did in the 1960’s.
Below you can find the links to the websites regarding these great candidates, review them, and then make sure you reach out to them if you decide to support!
Hillary Clinton (D) – President
Eleanor Holmes Norton (D) – DC Delegate
David Grosso (I) – At-Large
Yvette Alexander (D) – Ward 7
Robert White (D) – At- Large

January 31, 2011

Dupont Circle JAZZ SCENE!! Friday Feb. 4th at the Black Fox Lounge

Every town has a local business that is known for its quality service and atmosphere; many of these places are known as treats or “secrets” by residents, because when you first visit them you wonder who’s been keeping this great place from you and from your family!!  The Going out Guide

The Black Fox Lounge is one of the best kept secrets in DuPont Circle!  The Washington Post Going Out Guide Stated,

“From the heavy barstools to the fixtures, the colors throughout are neutral: glossy brown wood, beige marble floors, butterscotch walls. It screams “adult,” not “happy hour,” which is rare in Dupont” quoting one patron saying, “”My parents were native Washingtonians, and they tell me about going to cocktail lounges with live music in the ’40s and ’50s. You don’t have that anymore. But this place is bringing it back.”

Not only is it a chill atmosphere, but its retro style gives you the ability to enjoy drinks with friends and also affords you the opportunity to hear Great Live Jazz Music by local Jazz Artists.  This Friday from 9:30pm – 12:30am Aaron Myers will be singing with the Black Fox Ensemble (House band for the Black Fox) and it plans to be a night of Gershwin, Allen, Davis, Monk, and many more!  Management encourages guests to get there a little early to ensure good seats; it works off of a first come first serve basis!

Warm up on Friday with some great drinks, great friends, and great JAZZ!

July 27, 2010

Another Year & Another Endorsement

Waking up this morning felt quite awkward!  For years I have been plagued by 5 simple words…”You have an old soul”!  Being raised in the south (East Texas by the Trinity River) and having been influenced by my grandparents (both in their late 90′ s and have been married for 70 years) one could say that I’ve picked up some old habits, traits, mannerisms, and a love for “The Golden Girls!”.

Anyone who knows me knows that I have worked in many different capacities, in many different states, doing many different jobs.  One thing that I learned early on though, was that it was hard for many people to take a young man so seriously, especially someone who has crammed what some would consider 20 years worth of work into my short lifespan.  So, I made a decision!  If anyone were to ask how old I was…I would state that I was 27 years old.  I was okay with this, and it seemed to put some people at ease.  Once we created a successful working relationship with each other, I would usually tell them how old I was…and they would be amazed.  This was 5 years ago.

This Morning I woke up…and finally figured out what 27 years old felt like;  and it feels pretty damn good!  Scary…but good. 

There are some things that I have learned in these 27 years, but one thing that I have learned for sure, and am learning more and more each day, is to trust my GUT!  For years I second guessed what I felt would be right, or a proper choice, but for the last few years, I have made great personal strides by learning to trust my intuition…and I am a better person for it.

It is because of this experience that I make the following announcement:

I, Aaron L. Myers, II, former Mayoral Candidate, Obama Field Organizer, and Global Family Day National Director, formally announce my endorsement in support of Adrian Fenty for Mayor of Washington DC.  Not only do I believe he has done a superb job during his tenure as mayor, but I am convinced that if given the opportunity, he will be able to see his initiative through to completion; and it is these initiatives that I believe will best serve the citizens in the District of Columbia.

Last night I had the privilege of attending a WIN (Washington Interfaith Network) candidate forum, where I had a chance to hear what each candidate had to say.  It was at this forum last night, where Vincent Gray convinced me that he was not the man for the Job.  Last night Vince Gray mentioned that he had stood before the organization many times, he also mentioned what he thought was going wrong in the District of Columbia.  He even offered support for the initiatives for WIN.  What he did NOT do, was show how his verbal support translated in tangible cooperation with the organization in the past.  A gifted wordsmith, I am convinced that Vince Gray is a verbal candidate only, and that Adrian Fenty has a track record of proving that his actions match his rhetoric!

So as I celebrate my special day on today, and prepare for the Aaron L. Myers, II Gala on Saturday July 31st, where we will raise money for the Human Rights Campaign, I offer this endorsement to a good man, a proven leader, and the next Mayor of the District of Columbia, Adrian Fenty.

“I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.” ~ Fredrick Douglass

July 22, 2010

Flying Cars are HERE!! Terrafugia is leading the way…with spinners!

I remember growing up and watching cartoons in the mornings, and my whole family knew I liked 3 cartoons in particular!  The first was “The Bugs Bunny & Tweety Show” with the character “Foghorn-Leghorn” as my favorite character (he ran a close second to Yosimite Sam!).  Second was “The Flinstones”…and Fred Flinstone was the prime reason I experineced my first “Time-Out” in Kindergarden.  But my ultimate favorite was “The Jetsons”!  Not only did I have a crush on Judy Jetson…but I just new that when I grew up…I would have a flying car and a boss that was short and mean (the latter has already happened!)

Today, my childhood dream is becoming a reality, and in 20 years the work Terrafugia is doing today will dominate the flyways all across the world.  Terrafugia, based in Massetustses, has developed a car that can also spread wings and fly in the air.  While you can’t buy one immediately…start saving your money now; because in 2011, around $200,000 could buy you a brand spanking new car that can either get you up down the highway, or the flyway! 

Founded by award-winning MIT-trained aeronautical engineers and MBA’s – who also happen to be passionate private pilots  in 2006; the company’s mission is to provide innovative solutions to the challenges facing personal aviation.

What many may not realize is that Terrafugia is not all “Techie” and no “Style”.  If you notice around second 19

 or 20 of the video, in their test flight 1146, as the car takes to the air…the rims start to do this funky move.  Now it takes a trained eye to understand what’s really happening here!  What you have is the FIRST COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE CAR…THAT CAN FLY…has SPINNERS!!!! 

What are spinners?  A spinner is a type of hubcapthat spins independently inside of a wheel itself when the vehicle is in motion, and continues to spin once the vehicle has come to a stop. Being an attachment to the car’s wheel, spinners operate by using one or more roller bearings to isolate the spinner from the wheel, allowing it to turn while the wheel is at rest. The spinner’s own momentum helps it overcome what little fricton iis transmitted through the bearing. When the car is in motion, the small amount of friction transmitted through the bearing sets the spinner in motion.

As we really move into the 21st century, and flying cars become a reality…who would have thought that spinners would play a role in our advancement!  Who knows…maybe they can throw in some “Hydraulics” and make it a package deal!

George Jetson ~ “We wouldn’t last on unemployment checks, a 1000 a week doesn’t stretch very far these days.”

May 10, 2010

BLACK MONDAY = TWITTER FALLS: Following 0 = 0 Followers


The Twitter world is rolling right now!  At once, all time linesl asked the same question….where are my followers????  Heartwrenched twitter maniacs, some already in tears, are scurying trying to see if they will have to start all over again.

CNN, FOX NEWS, ASHTON KUTCHER, and many many others have all been dropped down to ZERO!  0 followers = o following

Over the last few months the twitter world has become use to 3rd party applications not being able to update, over-capacity, and the constant hacking of their profiles (including vicious imposters).  Recently Twitter has been toying with the idea of verifying accounts, and other meausres to ensure user protectivity.  BUT will the twitter world recover from today’s actions???

There has been no update from twitter as of yet to keep calm or not to  worry, other than we now know that it has to do with hackers, but I have no clue if this is a sign of things to come.  Do you remember the constant updates from TOM at myspace that simply stated: MYSPACE IS NOT GOING TO CHARGE OR SHUT DOWN?  How re-assuring!  Well Twitter…we could sure use a statement to calm the fears of your many faithful users who are all headed staring at their computers in amazement!

Perhaps Twitter is adopting the mantra of Thomas Edison:

Hell, there are no rules here – we’re trying to accomplish something.

June 5, 2009

An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away



Today, there is much more separating a doctor and his patient than a red delicious or granny smith apple. The high cost of health care can be the determining factor in your decision to seek out necessary help from the medical profession for yourself or a family member. Even with insurance coverage (forget including pre-existing conditions), the high cost of premiums, deductibles and co-pays along with prescriptions and any follow-up treatment or testing, have relegated health care to a “luxury item.” Many that have enjoyed employer provided coverage in the past are having it reduced or, in the case of job loss, completely extinguished..


Why an I concerned about this? Call it selfishness. I have no health care insurance and suffered a major stroke a few years ago. The residual effects of the stroke are minimal – to me, more annoying than debilitating since I’ve had to make time-consuming adjustments to the routines of daily life. I find climbing stairs difficult but suffer vertigo on escalators so elevators are the mode of choice. I lose my balance easily when the ground isn’t level and still have some difficulty finding the “right” word when I speak. My stroke affected the right side and, being right-handed, I have had to train my left hand to take up the slack. I was not eligible for government assistance because I was not deemed to be disabled. I was told to get a job in Walmarts.


I already have a full-time job. I’m the primary caregiver for my 90 year old home-bound father, who has suffered TIA’s and cancer, and my son, who has been diagnosed with bi-polar schizo effective disorder.  The monthly health care costs, even with insurance coverage, are astronomical and I’m worried about what will happen when the money runs out.


I tell you all of this not to get sympathy but to give you an understanding why the subject is so imporatnt to me.


I have spent many hours researching the subject of healthcare reform and have talked with numerous friends and healthcare professionals about what they perceive their needs to be. I have heard phrases like “choice”, “cost-cutting measures”, “deluge of administation and billing requirements” and “emergency room crowding”. One physician I spoke with talked about his current financial situation. After many, many years of persuing his dream at a costly medical school, he is then saddled with the cost of opening a practice (and all it entails), purchasing medical malpractice insurance at a very high premium and then the fun of hiring a staff to fight insurance companies for what ends up to be a reduced payment for his services. He said the days of “afternoons on the golf course” are long gone. He must work 12 -14 hours a day to keep his practice afloat.


So, here’s the dilemma as I see it. We need to come up with a healthcare plan that will reward the hard work and dedication of healthcare professionals while addressing the need for affordable healthcare for all. I haven’t forgotten insurance companies – I just no longer see a need for another middle-man. Cutting costs already…



~  Michelle

May 19, 2009

Guest Blogger Steve Sherman – “The Personality of America”

bald_eagle_head_and_american_flagPolitics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the right and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our national heritage.
President Dwight David Eisenhower

During his address to congress, our president brought up an important point that has been largely lost in the debates that have followed. Barack Obama touched on the personality of America that has defined so much of our history and threatens our future.

Our president pointed out that we talk about lots of important issues but do little in our rush to the future. As President Obama pointed out we have talked about health care issues for almost 40 years but have done little. We have talked about reducing dependence on foreign oil for over 25 years. We have talked about improving our educational system for over 50 years.

The problems we are facing today are not new. They are the same problems we talked about yesterday and last year and the year before. The current economic situation is a great example.

There are no surprises with our current economic problems. Every 3 or 4 years since the inception of trickle down, or Reganonmics, we have had a financial crisis. Every 3 or 4 years since the beginning of deregulation and mega mergers there has been a financial situation that cost tax payers billions of dollars. Remember Black Monday. Or how about the Savings & Loan melt down with Silverado and the Keating Five. And Enron, and Worldcom, and the dotcom bust. Our recent history is strewn with economic disasters. Brought about by the economic philosophy that has dominated for the last 25 years.

Our president has a new vision for America. A vision that sees caring for our infrastructure instead of watching 70 year old technology crumble in the face of Hurricane Katrina. Earthen levees and aging pumps left as the Maginot line of defense for a major American city. Following Katrina many pictures appeared showing modern systems in European and even African countries of updated systems that efficiently controlled water and produced beneficial results like electric production and irrigation. President Obama is suggesting we care for and upgrade our infrastructure so there are no more bridge collapses ( a recent article suggested that up to 60% of bridges in the United States are deficient from lack of maintenance). Invest in America first.

For all of our talk about ending dependence on foreign oil, we have stood by and witnessed the rape of the planet we call home. We have watched her resources plundered at increasingly alarming rates. We stand idly by as the planet is destroyed in the name of progress. Clear mountain streams are turning into fetid flows of polluted waters that no longer cool and refresh. Our lust for the earth’s treasures that are then burned creating a second destructive force of released carbon gases that alter the atmosphere, is unquenchable. One spill of the plundered resources can destroy an entire ecological system that took millions of years to develop and balance. The current administration wants to stop talking about dependence on foreign oil by advancing renewable energy sources. Solar systems, wind power, wave power, hydrogen cells. Jobs for Americans using technology developed by Americans. Germany, France and Japan are leading the world in renewable energy usage, all with technology developed in the United States.

The second major issue our president is addressing is health care. We lead the world with medical technology, but we lag the world in the area of efficient health care administration. Untold hours of unproductive time are spent completing insurance forms because every company has a unique form. Access to medical records is time consuming because they are not computerized and transmittable. The cost of maintaining antiquated billing and record keeping systems adds millions to our health care costs. We have the best health care system in the world. We ought to listen to our president and find ways to deliver it as efficiently as possible.

Education was the single greatest factor in building a middle class America that was the envy of the world. Our education system is based on the early 1900’s idea of identifying and nurturing future managers and supervisors. The system allowed all others to struggle along until they either gave up in frustration or completed required courses at a minimal level. The administration envisions an updating of educational objectives and approaches to meet the needs of today. Modernizing education is the first step to a rebirth of the middle class. Ubder the present structure there is a declining middle class that comes closer and loser to the national poverty level.

Eliminating the economic uncertainty of tomorrow by creating new jobs to lower our dependence on fossil fuels, improving our quality of life by renewing our infrastructure with an attention to environmental issues; updating and modernizing the administration of healthcare to match the quality of available care; and insuring our future by improving education. Huge but obtainable goals that can lead us out of the morass that we face today and into a future where the American dream and the reality of America come closer together. It is not about the dollars or how much we pay in taxes. Countries that have tax rates over 50% currently have some of the highest living standards in the world. Look at Sweden and Iceland and Denmark. Like everything else it is about what you get for your investment. We can get the best by investing wisely in the programs President Obama has advocated.

The missing piece is us, the American public. Our hands off approach to government must come to an end. Our chosen form of government requires citizen intervention. Some of the most famous words of President Dwight Eisenhower and President John Kennedy encourage us to be involved. It is acceptance of lesser standards that allow the abuses of government functions. As citizens we have a higher calling than to just show up to vote, we have a patriotic duty to be aware, and be involved. We have a responsibility to future generations to pass on the best that we can do.

May 18, 2009

Dr. Obama…I Mean…Mr. President!

notre dameWith a cool breeze coming from the St. Joseph River, excitement filled the air in South Bend, Indiana.  South Bend has come a long way since its “Fur Trading” days and now supports a population of over 300,000, with steep economic ties to its main draw…The University of Notre Dame.  Not surprisingly, the “Fighting Irish” was first an all male institution, just like many in its’ day, but today its founders would not have imagined, that an intelligent young lady would be giving the valedictorian address and representing the class of 2009.  I am quite sure that there was another player in today’s ceremonies that the founders did not have in mind; a pro life, African-American, United States President, receiving a honorary doctorate from a university shrouded in Catholic Tradition.  As the crowd descended upon the campus, all were there for different reasons, but all could not deny that one common thread tied their purposes together…Dr. Obama.

The act of awarding Honoarary Doctorate’s is a tradition that has been in practice since the Middle Ages.  Within the United States, we can see the practice affecting even our forefathers (Ben Franklin received an honorary doctorate from the University of St. Andrews in 1759 and the University of Oxford in 1762 for his scientific accomplishments.) Controversies surrounding these awards have been also become somewhat of a custom, especially in America.  

Students seemed to be up in arms when the Southampton College decided to bestow an honorary doctorate to a figure that had reshaped the lives of children across the world…Kermit the Frog. Although some students objected to awarding a degree to a Muppet, Kermit delivered an enjoyable commencement address and the small college received considerable press coverage.  On the 300th commencement ceremony at Yale University, it was thought only fitting that the sitting President and also former Yale graduate George W. Bush, be awarded an honorary doctorate;  walking out of the ceremonies, some students and teachers did not agree with the University.

The year’s old debate of pro-choice and pro-life fueled the fire of some protestors who protested outside of Notre Dame University as the President received his Honorary Doctorate.  Being fully aware of their concern, Barack Obama stated “head on” his stance and feelings regarding the matter, “Maybe we won’t agree on abortion, but we can still agree that this is a heart-wrenching decision for any woman to make, with both moral and spiritual dimensions.  So let’s work together to reduce the number of women seeking abortions by reducing unintended pregnancies, and making adoption more available, and providing care and support for women who do carry their child to term. Let’s honor the conscience of those who disagree with abortion, and draft a sensible conscience clause, and make sure that all of our health care policies are grounded in clear ethics and sound science, as well as respect for the equality of women.”

Although disrupted twice by hecklers, his message was received by those in which the message was intended to reach…the graduates.  Little was said regarding the demeanor kept by the graduating class, when protests began around the campus this past week.  Although interviewed by pundits and news anchors, the students approached this matter in a very mature manner…by welcoming the voice of a person that, although not always in agreement with, they were willing to pull out the nuggets of truth and wisdom from the advice he was willing to share with them on this, their historic moment.  

One may ask; Are the students that took part in the ceremony today, examples of the kind of diplomacy that we can expect to see in our future?  If so, can peace at home be a tangible reality as well as peace in the Middle East?

Perhaps Dr. Kermit the Frog stated this situation best, and how we can approach it:


“…you are no longer tadpoles. The time has come for you to drop your tails and leave this swamp. But I am sure that wherever I go as I travel around the world, I will find each and every one of you working your tails off to save other swamps and give those of us who live there a chance to survive. We love you for it.”

Dr. Kermit the Frog

May 15, 2009

Friday’s Reflection: Advice from the Past!


John F Kennedy

John F Kennedy

When thinking of today’s blog, I was perplexed on exactly what to expand on for today. Perhaps, this blog could have been dedicated to Mr. Cheney’s denial from the CIA to release memo’s that would support his views on the results that can be gained from torture. On the other hand, I could have written on the highly debated statements made by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in her efforts to clear her name, when trying to convince the press of her “un-involvement” with briefings concerning the torture tactics being used by the CIA. My keyboard just could not re-hash the “Miss California” controversy…Larry King handled that just fine all by himself, while the issue of Gay Marriage is being re-strategized by the Human Rights Campaign’s alignment with a faith based campaign on the west coast. Chrysler’s misfortunes(which served as a precursor to what GM will be forced to do as well) just can not be properly articulated, while the Banks and Bail-Outs lost their allurement while writing this blog…perhaps I have just grown tired.

President’s Obama descisoin to block the release of torture photo’s holds solid arguments from both sides, while another Democrat is stating that he too was misguided by CIA Briefings. Former President Bush has been very quiet in the mainstream media, but I suppose one would have to be quiet in order to raise 100 million dollars since leaving office (from who… we do not yet know). Joe Biden ate his burger and kept quiet this week, while Defense Secretary Gates made a little commotion, firing a General, and ensuring that the president’s agenda is carried out in the war abroad.

No, today, after seeing the shape of the economy, the rise in unemployment, and the repairs being made to marriages and a space telescope, I believe a time of reflection was needed for today. A time that we listen to a little advice, from a man who represented then a “new generation”, who faced similar problems as we face today. From this speech, I hope you can be inspired…as Americans, to see that regardless of how long ago this winter January speech was made, how similar his rhetoric speaks to the problems, intentions, and solutions we are currently faced with today.

Perhaps, through reflection, we can move forward into the next week with a clear head, a clearer direction, and hopefully the clearest conscious.


Aaron L Myers, II

Aaron L Myers, II



“It takes Courage to begin, but the art is finishing”
~Aaron L Myers, II

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