DrMyers’s Blog

July 21, 2015

Jazz Artist Celebrates with the Community

Vocalist Aaron Myers captured by Darwyn Dave

Vocalist Aaron Myers captured by Darwyn Dave

Washington, District of Columbia July 21 — The Jazz Community will gather on and off stage to celebrate with entertainer Aaron Myers as he brings in his birthday through music and pool-side fun. Rumors are rampant that other local entertainers, club owners, politicians, and a host of other notables will be in attendance.  Starting with a music filled night of Jazz at Mr. Henry’s Restaurant and then a Poolside Bash at Vida Fitness U Street Penthouse, confirmations are reaching capacity for both venues.

“There’s no better way to bring people together than with music and birthdays ,” Myers said. “Celebrating music and life will be theme of this weekend.”

Myers, now Resident Artist at the legendary Mr. Henry’s Restaurant, is known for his jazz concerts, comedy, and activism. Over the last 6 years, Myers has introduced jazz to audiences through his intimate jazz shows, his radio program “The Exchange” and through his charitable efforts.

There will be champagne, great performances, and a great pool over the two day birthday experience. To those who are accustomed to these events, Myers will bring an element of fun over the weekend that will be memorable.

“This Birthday is special to me,” Myers said. “I’m announcing the upcoming release of my new album!”  Myers also shared another reason the opening festivities hold a certain sentiment.  “For the first time, my Friday night show at Mr. Henry’s will be streamed through a platform that will allow people to view the show from their home computers and mobile devices.  This will be the first show my 98 year old Grandmother will be able to see.  Due to her health, she has never seen my jazz shows.”

Recently, Myers has added “Writer” & “Film-Producer” to his list of accomplishments. Although the projects are in production, the film, reportedly a documentary about DC Taxi Drivers, has garnered a lot of buzz in the DC community. In addition to this documentary, Myers is also shopping around new the feature film script “Paths at Sunset” while finishing up work on TV Pilot “Half Note.”

“Producing a film is not for the faint at heart,” Myers said with a grin. “Deadlines, can make you or break you, but they do help you stay true to yourself about seeing these projects through to completion.”

Aaron Myers, known as the “Class Act,” is a native Texan who has decided to make Washington DC his home. Through his partnerships with charities, business, and politics, Myers has made an impression on the District that merges art with activism.  Visit his website at www.aaron2.me.

Friday Night 7/24: Mr. Henry’s Restaurant 8pm (no cover) // Saturday 7/25:  (7pm – Midnight) Vida Fitness U Street (No Cover RSVP to aaronmyers@aaron2.me)

July 9, 2015

Aaron Myers Returns to Blues Alley

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmyers @ 3:54 pm
Aaron Myers at Blues Alley.  Taken by Darwyn Dave

Aaron Myers at Blues Alley. Taken by Darwyn Dave

Washington, DC July 9, 2015 –  Jazz Recording artist and local DC Musician Aaron Myers will be returning to Blues Alley September 9th for two sets 8pm and 10pm. This appearance will mark his second appearance at the nation’s finest Jazz and Supper Club after selling out the venue last year.

“So much has happened to me musically since doing the show there last year” said Aaron Myers. “I cannot wait to express the growth, pain and joy I’ve experienced since being there.  I’ve written new music, created new arrangements, and I have more to share!”

Myers, who came to DC after working as a field organizer on the Barack Obama Campaign in 2008, has decided to make Washington DC his home.  For 5 years he served as the Resident Artist at the Black Fox Lounge where he performed in over 150 shows.  During his time there he recorded his debut album “Leo Rising” being nominated for the Washington Area Music Awards in 3 categories, also making it onto the Grammy Ballot.  Now, he’s completing his sophomore project “The Lion’s Den” which includes fusion collaborations.

“After the Black Fox Lounge closed I sank into a depression.  Then I  reactivated my gym membership at VIDA Fitness, lost 35lbs, reevaluated my career, and got to work” said Myers. “I’ve completed the work for my next album, started filming a documentary about DC Taxi Drivers called “Cab Fare“, and finished my second feature script.  I’m ready to express this through my art with my family, friends, and fans at Blues Alley!”

Voted Best Singer in the Washington City Paper’s “Best of DC” Readers Poll, this year has seen his music being included on Spotify and Pandora!  Earlier this year Myers, along with composer/pianist Oren Levine, released the song “Stand Right” an ode to the DC Metro System.

For concert and ticket information, contact Blues Alley at (202) 337-4141 or at the website www.bluesalley.com.


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