DrMyers’s Blog

May 10, 2010

BLACK MONDAY = TWITTER FALLS: Following 0 = 0 Followers


The Twitter world is rolling right now!  At once, all time linesl asked the same question….where are my followers????  Heartwrenched twitter maniacs, some already in tears, are scurying trying to see if they will have to start all over again.

CNN, FOX NEWS, ASHTON KUTCHER, and many many others have all been dropped down to ZERO!  0 followers = o following

Over the last few months the twitter world has become use to 3rd party applications not being able to update, over-capacity, and the constant hacking of their profiles (including vicious imposters).  Recently Twitter has been toying with the idea of verifying accounts, and other meausres to ensure user protectivity.  BUT will the twitter world recover from today’s actions???

There has been no update from twitter as of yet to keep calm or not to  worry, other than we now know that it has to do with hackers, but I have no clue if this is a sign of things to come.  Do you remember the constant updates from TOM at myspace that simply stated: MYSPACE IS NOT GOING TO CHARGE OR SHUT DOWN?  How re-assuring!  Well Twitter…we could sure use a statement to calm the fears of your many faithful users who are all headed staring at their computers in amazement!

Perhaps Twitter is adopting the mantra of Thomas Edison:

Hell, there are no rules here – we’re trying to accomplish something.

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