DrMyers’s Blog

December 15, 2011

Two Year Anniversary at the Black Fox!

ImageTwo years ago, I walked in by chance into the Black Fox Lounge as a customer.  On Friday December 16th from 9:45pm – 12:45am I will walk in as the Resident Artist celebrating 2 years at the Venue. Over the course of these two years, I have been excited to participate in the Jazz Community here in the DC area, opening doors for me to provide music for special and private events but also very public events such as the 50th Peace Corps Anniversary Celebration and NALDA 100th Anniversary. 

As I celebrate this Anniversary on Friday, I will also be donating a portion of the revenue from the night to the Future of Music Coalition, a cause I believe in whole-heartedly. This organization works to ensure a diverse musical culture where artists flourish, are compensated fairly for their work, and where fans can find the music they want.  
Please join me at the Black Fox Lounge 1723 Connecticut Ave NW, DC for this Free Event on Friday December 16th from 9:30pm – 12:30am and help me celebrate my Second Anniversary in the tradition of the fantastic jazz musicians of old…swinging.

Future of Music Coalition

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmyers @ 4:12 pm

Future of Music Coalition

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