DrMyers’s Blog

March 3, 2015

In Production: Jazz Artist and the Screenwriter

Aaron Myers

Aaron Myers

Aaron Myers has performed to audiences in Washington DC for the last six years.  Voted runner up for “Best Singer” & “Best Performance Artist” in the Washington City Paper’s “Best Of DC” readers poll, Myers has been heard in Embassies, Night Clubs, Festivals, and Fundraisers.  Myers became a DC Staple as the Resident Artist at the Black Fox Lounge (a total of 147 headliner shows) and is now showing the public his other artistic side.  A native Texan, Myers decided to make Washington DC his home 6 years ago.

“I love screenwriting” stated Myers.  “I wrote my first pilot TV show when I was 13 years old.  It was was a situation comedy that I wanted to star three couples.  Jack Lemmon married to Shirley MacLaine, Walter Matthau married to Betty White, and Ossie Davis married to Ruby Dee.  I wish that it could have been produced, I’m sure it would have been an awesome show!”
Now, Myers is currently filming a new feature documentary with emerging cinematographer Jazmine Kiante called “Cab Fare” profiling Taxi Drivers in Washington DC who have been driving more than forty years.  Filming began in January and is already crating buzz in the city with appearances from national lawmakers, city officials and people on the street.
Friday, it was announced that the script for his second feature film “Paths at Sunset” with writing partner Scott Sedar has now been completed and is now ramping up for production.  “This film tells an unorthodox love story of a couple who is approaching the sunset of their lives.  Let me just say, life isn’t over after 60…at all!”
Below, find more information about this DC artist and his upcoming productions.


This is the Sophomore Album of Aaron Myers slated to be released in June of 2015. This album is a combination of Jazz & Neo Soul while paying homage to Jazz legends and contemporary innovations.


Follow the stories of Washington DC Taxi Cab Drivers as they tell the story of an evolving city through the eyes of the ones who know it best. Hear touching stories from DC Cab Drivers, Riders, Politicians & Celebrities while seeing the evolution of a city from behind the wheel of a DC Taxi Cab.


Helen Ware has just been given shocking news that changes her outlook on Love, Life and relationship forever. See how she’s forced to accept her new reality and how she embarks on a journey of love that is quite unorthodox.


Life in the Antebellum South is filled with heroic tales of freedom. See the tale of a freedman as he travels to one of the most brutal plantations in Louisiana to bring its slaves to freedom.


Ready for Pitch Aaron Brass is an Entertainer who is on the brink of greatness…so he thinks. With the help of his colleagues, friends and girlfriend, Aaron experiences the pains of making art while trying to “B” in Show Business. Sit back and watch the crazy situations he endures to express his art!

February 5, 2015

Mutual Friends

photo (1)Don’t you just love Facebook?  A place where you can connect with your friends, share articles about issues you feel are important, vent about people or situations, Facebook has become integrated in the American culture just as talking pictures or color television.  Whereas birth announcements, engagements, and weddings were first announced in the paper, instantly we can scroll through our timelines and be updated on the latest news within our communities and the lives of our friends.  An even wider spectrum is uncovered as we can also see how we are connected to others.  New acquaintances can be vetted by seeing what friends are shared mutually.  As articles, statements or events are shared, comments are posted and it is that time one is able to see, at least to a degree, who your friends…call friend.

The latter possesses an interesting question to all people: How well do you know your friends?  For years, relationships are built upon shared experiences, shared secrets, shared conversations, shared ideologies, and shared interests.  Through the passage of time, the bond between individuals strengthens as the strands of these relationships are tested and tried.  However, through Facebook (and other social media networks) one can see what happens after these shared experiences are over and individuals begin the same process with other individuals.  Thus, one can see the thoughts, ideas, experiences and at times secrets shared by your “Friends of Friends.”

Have you ever had the experience of scrolling through your timeline and seeing a shared post, article, or video you did not expect to see posted from a friend?  Perhaps, you shared a post yourself and was shocked by the reaction you received from your friends or “Friends of Friends.”  Facebook has exposed the differences within relationships, whether religious, political, racial, ideological, or what have you, that had previously been hidden or politely ignored for the sake of pleasant company or conversation.  What happens when you discover that your “Friend of a Friend” is a racist?

I’ve been faced with this many times.  I am a proud Southerner (5th generation Texan), I’m a proud African American Man (My Great-Great Grand Parents were slaves), I am a proud Veteran (September 11th happened while I was in Basic Training) and I am a proud Progressive (Registered Democrat).

My upbringing has allowed me to have interface with people who believe, worship and vote differently from the way I do.  Thinking back to my days in Kerens Elementary, I am often reminded of the words spoken daily by my kindergarten teacher, “Play nice and keep your hands and feet to yourselves.”  I try daily to adopt this principle in my adult life, succeeding better some days rather than others, but for the most part, we all are forced to work with, interact with, and at times live with people who share opposing views.  Everyday the art of compromise is seen on the bus, train, in traffic, on elevators, in work spaces, in church pews, in classrooms, in restaurants, in every place but congress it seems.  The tension has become less evident in urban centers where a heavily populated group of diverse people are forced to interact with each other.  The expansion of social media and the internet has made tensions less apparent in rural areas where diversity and necessary interaction between divers people may not be as frequent or optional.

What do you do when a difference of opinion crosses over to apparent hatred, bigotry or racism…by the “Friend of a Friend?”  When is the relationship of the “Friend” taken into account?  Where do you begin when analyzing the strength of the shared strands within your relationship?  How do you resolve the inner turmoil, resentment and dissatisfaction?  The What, When, Where and How have been presented to me on many occasions.  Minorities and members of the majority are faced with these instances, and forced to self consciously react…often times reluctantly because of friendship.  Who wants to lose a friend right?

The 21st century demands that we answer these questions out right.

Understanding what racism is, whether fueled by either hatred or bigotry, and acknowledging it when seen is a start.  Black’s Law Dictionary defines racism as,  “A set of policies that is exhibited by a person or persons toward a group of people of a different race. Often antagonistic and confronting. The assumption of lower intelligence and importance given to a person because of their racial characteristics.”  Regardless of how “close” you may be with a friend, when you have been left feeling you have experienced racism, the safe space lies within yourself to express your discomfort and to know a racist does not own the right to feel “comfortable” when this mindset goes against the constitutional rights of the whole.  One can even view it as utilitarianism…the greatest good for the greatest number.  In this case, that good is equality, and that number is America.

When is the relationship of the friend taken into account?  Immediately.  As the strands within a relationship are tested, one must meet each test head on.  One strand does not have to end a relationship, but it can certainly define a relationship.  Relationships, friendships, are based upon boundaries.  These boundaries are also where you can test the strength of these strands.   If you make your boundaries known, the way those boundaries are respected then can define the future of that relationship.

The hardest part of these interactions come when one is faced with the inner turmoil of experiencing racism through a different medium, from a person with a reference.  We choose our music, jobs, food, health regiments often times at the recommendation of a friend.  Friends have introduced friends that resulted in marriage while others often ask for a reference when applying for a job.  Social media and the connections of mutual friends have played an important role in making the world smaller, more connected, and in many ways more enlightened.  Understanding no two relationships are alike, one often expects that the bond and strands shared between an individual would be commonly shared with others, and although different, never crossing the line of racism, bigotry or hate.  Unfortunately, this age old dilemma has plagued mankind for ages.

No one wants to lose a friend, but in the course of friendship, one must never lose oneself.   Martin Luther King, Jr. said it best I believe,  “The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.”

Above was an example of a statement made to me by a “Friend of a Friend” that was followed by many other hateful attacks.  I stated my discomfort, set my boundaries, my Friend removed those attacking racist posts, and reaffirmed my belief that friends do not have to agree on everything (especially politics) but can definitely agree racism and hatred have no place within our boundaries of friendship.

January 27, 2012

Maureen Mullaney and Aaron Myers: Together at Last!

It was confirmed this morning that Aaron Myers will be sharing the stage with Singer/Songwriter Maureen Mullaney at the Black Fox Lounge Friday night January 27th.  Both, while being long time staples at the venue, have always dropped by and teased audiences at each others shows with their energy, playfulness and talent.  For a rare treat, they will finally join their musical efforts in a single performance that will no doubt electrify their audience.

Check out the Black Fox Lounge (1723 Connecticut Ave NW) Friday January 27 from 9:30pm – 12:30am for a Free Live Jazz Concert given by two staples in the DC Jazz Scene, Maureen Mullaney and Aaron Myers!

June 29, 2011

July Jazz Night with Aaron Myers at the Black Fox Lounge FREE

To start off the July 4th holiday weekend, Jazz Enthusiasts are flocking to The Black Fox Lounge in DuPont Circle on Friday July1 to hear Aaron Myers (recently featured in the DC Jazz Festival) and his Black Fox Ensemble. Recently named the Artist in Residency at the Black Fox Lounge, attendees can enjoy his jazz styling which ranges from Louis Armstrong to Lauryn Hill. The most outstanding part of this offer is that The Black Fox Lounge has managed to keep this event free. So, on Friday July1 from 9:30pm to 12:30am, kick off the July 4th holiday celebrating Americas own original music…..JAZZ!

For more information please contact:

Black Fox Lounge

1723 Connecticut Ave NW WDC 20009


February 18, 2011

Live Jazz AND Spoken Word…all for Free!!

The Black Fox Lounge is a contemporary lounge in the Dupont Circle area of Washington DC offering live music 7 days a week to its patrons.  Reviewed by several blogs and the Washington Post, the Black Fox Lounge will be adding a new twist to it’s Friday Night Music Lineup!!

Friday February 18th (and every 1st and 3rd Friday of the Month) Aaron Myers accompanied by a Jazz Trio will team up with local Spoken Word Artists to offer a night of Jazz and Spoken Word.  “It’s all about self-expression” said singer Aaron Myers, “When I think of Jazz almost immediately my next thought goes out to the poets who helped define the Harlem Renaissance”.

Myers will be joined by, Bettina Judd, Yorri J. Berry, and Michael Van Wood who will “Grace the Mic” and invite the audience to expand their horizons of thought.

The show starts at 9:30pm and runs to 12:30am, however the shows have been running clear into the 1am hour due to the popularity of the Jazz Show!  A patron commented to the Washington Post that, “My parents were native Washingtonians, and they tell me about going to cocktail lounges with live music in the ’40s and ’50s. You don’t have that anymore. But this place is bringing it back.”

See you there!!  Below is Aaron Myers in an impromptu composing session!

January 28, 2011

Truck Driving Company stiffing Truckers during recession. R. D. Miller Trucking.

This blog just received news of a horrible occurrence.  Troy Nance, a 15 year truck driving veteran, was overjoyed when he learned in January he could finally join the workforce again after being unemployed over 6 months.  He was looking forward to driving with R. D. Miller Trucking in Blooming Grove, Texas, located in a Rural Community.  In a county where the median income is $31,268 and 18.20% of the population below the poverty level, Mr. Nance was eager to start driving again, unaware of what was to come.

After hitting the road, R.D. Miller Trucking instructed Nance to start delivering his loads, which took him to North Dakota, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Chicago, Louisiana, and Houston Texas.  All of this between January 1st and 25th.  His employer even validated that all the loads arrived on time.

When Mr. Nance went to get his paycheck, he was undoubtedly shocked to find his check $1800 short, only receiving $150, and was asked, by the company, not to file a wage claim.  He was even given the excuse that the owners wife ran away with the money, lastly being told not to call the offices again.

Truck driving is one of the most respected professions, and is the backbone of our country.  Beware of trucking companies, such as R.D. Miller Trucking in Blooming Grove, Texas who has opted not to pay for an honest days work. Please  report any other companies that you know of who have burdened hard-working Americans during a hard long recession.

January 26, 2011

DuPont Circle Snow Ball Fight and the Black Fox Lounge

Tonight at 8pm, Washington DC will be awaiting the start of what has grown to become a tradition in the District.  With the snow still falling, members of the community will gather in the historic Dupont Circle, and kick off a massive Snow Ball Fight!  Many can remember the hoards of people who joined in with the fun last year with the massive amount of snow that was available.  Come ready to rumble! There is also rumored to be scores to settle from last year between Georgetown and St. Johns!  Regardless of, it promises to be a FUN TIME!

After the Snowball Fight, many people will be heading over to the Black Fox Lounge for Complimentary Chicken Soup to warm up after what will promise to be a fun but chilling experience.  Warming up at the Black Fox Lounge (1723 Connecticut Ave NW www.blackfoxlounge.com) serves two purposes.  1st – To warm up after being covered in snow and 2nd – to dodge the massive wait for the metro!  Plus…it’s Complimentary *Free!  Things you should remember: Socks CAN substitute as gloves, but make sure they’re clean; Don’t trust anyone…it’s anyone’s ball game out there; If you get too cold, beat everyone else to the chicken soup at the Black Fox Lounge!


July 27, 2010

Another Year & Another Endorsement

Waking up this morning felt quite awkward!  For years I have been plagued by 5 simple words…”You have an old soul”!  Being raised in the south (East Texas by the Trinity River) and having been influenced by my grandparents (both in their late 90′ s and have been married for 70 years) one could say that I’ve picked up some old habits, traits, mannerisms, and a love for “The Golden Girls!”.

Anyone who knows me knows that I have worked in many different capacities, in many different states, doing many different jobs.  One thing that I learned early on though, was that it was hard for many people to take a young man so seriously, especially someone who has crammed what some would consider 20 years worth of work into my short lifespan.  So, I made a decision!  If anyone were to ask how old I was…I would state that I was 27 years old.  I was okay with this, and it seemed to put some people at ease.  Once we created a successful working relationship with each other, I would usually tell them how old I was…and they would be amazed.  This was 5 years ago.

This Morning I woke up…and finally figured out what 27 years old felt like;  and it feels pretty damn good!  Scary…but good. 

There are some things that I have learned in these 27 years, but one thing that I have learned for sure, and am learning more and more each day, is to trust my GUT!  For years I second guessed what I felt would be right, or a proper choice, but for the last few years, I have made great personal strides by learning to trust my intuition…and I am a better person for it.

It is because of this experience that I make the following announcement:

I, Aaron L. Myers, II, former Mayoral Candidate, Obama Field Organizer, and Global Family Day National Director, formally announce my endorsement in support of Adrian Fenty for Mayor of Washington DC.  Not only do I believe he has done a superb job during his tenure as mayor, but I am convinced that if given the opportunity, he will be able to see his initiative through to completion; and it is these initiatives that I believe will best serve the citizens in the District of Columbia.

Last night I had the privilege of attending a WIN (Washington Interfaith Network) candidate forum, where I had a chance to hear what each candidate had to say.  It was at this forum last night, where Vincent Gray convinced me that he was not the man for the Job.  Last night Vince Gray mentioned that he had stood before the organization many times, he also mentioned what he thought was going wrong in the District of Columbia.  He even offered support for the initiatives for WIN.  What he did NOT do, was show how his verbal support translated in tangible cooperation with the organization in the past.  A gifted wordsmith, I am convinced that Vince Gray is a verbal candidate only, and that Adrian Fenty has a track record of proving that his actions match his rhetoric!

So as I celebrate my special day on today, and prepare for the Aaron L. Myers, II Gala on Saturday July 31st, where we will raise money for the Human Rights Campaign, I offer this endorsement to a good man, a proven leader, and the next Mayor of the District of Columbia, Adrian Fenty.

“I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.” ~ Fredrick Douglass

May 10, 2010

BLACK MONDAY = TWITTER FALLS: Following 0 = 0 Followers


The Twitter world is rolling right now!  At once, all time linesl asked the same question….where are my followers????  Heartwrenched twitter maniacs, some already in tears, are scurying trying to see if they will have to start all over again.

CNN, FOX NEWS, ASHTON KUTCHER, and many many others have all been dropped down to ZERO!  0 followers = o following

Over the last few months the twitter world has become use to 3rd party applications not being able to update, over-capacity, and the constant hacking of their profiles (including vicious imposters).  Recently Twitter has been toying with the idea of verifying accounts, and other meausres to ensure user protectivity.  BUT will the twitter world recover from today’s actions???

There has been no update from twitter as of yet to keep calm or not to  worry, other than we now know that it has to do with hackers, but I have no clue if this is a sign of things to come.  Do you remember the constant updates from TOM at myspace that simply stated: MYSPACE IS NOT GOING TO CHARGE OR SHUT DOWN?  How re-assuring!  Well Twitter…we could sure use a statement to calm the fears of your many faithful users who are all headed staring at their computers in amazement!

Perhaps Twitter is adopting the mantra of Thomas Edison:

Hell, there are no rules here – we’re trying to accomplish something.

August 21, 2009

One Person – One Vote…Or Is It?

VOTEBOX_FR_C_^_FRIDAYYou step into your designated polling place with the proud determination to perform your civic duty and exercise that greatest of American rights – casting your ballot in an election. You are confident that your vote, and the multitude of others cast, will fairly elect a representative to be your voice in the county district in which you reside.

You might be wrong if you live in Lee County, FL.

Decades ago, around the time the civil and voting rights acts were made law, it was determined that Lee County Commissioner elections would be changed from “Single-Member-Districts” to the “Voting-at-Large” system. In simple terms, what this meant is that someone voting in another district, miles away, could cast the determining vote on whom would represent your district. This was made possible since a ballot allowed a vote to be cast in every (5) district, not just the voter’s district of residence. I’m sure you’re sitting there shaking your head saying, “That’s just not possible.” Unfortunately, in the case of Lee County, it is.

According to Lee County Charter Review studies this is in fact what has occurred in 13 of 30 elections studied. Voting-at-Large allowed the district’s choice to be changed by the overflow vote of another district. Picture this – John Doe and Jane Smith are running in the election for District A Commissioner. Jane Smith has 200 more votes cast by the district’s residents. She’s the new Commissioner for District A! Not necessarily. John Doe has garnered 500 votes from outside the district (combined votes from districts B,C, D and E) as compared to the 100 Jane received. Now John wins. Is this truly representative of what the voters have decided in their district? When it comes time to vote on issues that affect his district, do you think John Doe will remain accountable to the people of the district or to the folks that live miles away but cast a vote for him? In a perfect world you would hope that John does the right thing. However, we know that politics is far from perfect…and involves a lot of money.

Let’s talk about the money. If John Doe and Jane Smith were able to limit their campaigns to a single district, the costs would run approximately $35,000. This includes media, printing, office supplies, yard signs, mailings, gas etc. Since they must run a county-widecampaign the current estimated costs now escalate close to $200,000. Either John and Jane have to have very deep pockets or know quite a few friends county-wide that do! (Note: remember those votes from outside the district) This is the reason Tom Jones, without a doubt the best candidate for the job, never made it to the ballot. The cost was too high.

It’s time Lee County changed back from the flawed “Voting-at-Large” system to Five (5) Single-Member Districts. In 2008, this change was recommended by the Lee County Charter Review Commission by a 9-6 vote. Single-Member Districts were vastly supported at public hearings and by the ACLU, NAACP and LWV.

Justice and fairness are not being served by the current system. While we vote, we do not necessarily elect. If the value of one vote is somehow discounted, democracy is lost.

Only Single-Member District voting insures that every vote will count!

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